How Serving in the Military Can Help You Get a Degree and Stable Job

Many citizens desire to serve their country, but few are aware of all the benefits that go along with sacrificing your time and well-being to do so. In addition to monetary compensation, housing, and healthcare, the military can also help fund collegiate courses that go toward obtaining a degree. Not only will this make you a more well-rounded individual when you leave the military, but it can also help you rank up faster and is even required for some rankings. Take advantage of the support provided by the military to get a degree that can lead to a reputable job in the future.

Dual Enrollment

If you are already in the military, you already know that attending classes is a common theme. From family well-being to mental health, members of the military attend a multitude of classes. Sometimes, these can be used to your advantage to obtain elective credits that can be used toward the attainment of a degree. Check with your local college or accredited university to see if this is an option for you.

Go to College Through the Military

Some military bases offer college courses on post to make getting a degree more convenient. Take advantage of any courses you can attend at nearby locations because they will build up and could be the extra credits you need to obtain a degree. Online courses are also an option for those who are in training or are deployed, as they can be completed in your extra time. Make the most of your time away from the ones you love by bettering your career opportunities.

Consult with Your Education Counselor to Create a Streamlined Degree Schedule

The reason why many students drop out of college and never get their degree is that they do not have a clear plan. Contact your chain of command to see where you can find local resources for military members who wish to enroll in courses to go toward a degree. These professionals can help design a plan specifically for you that will give you a goal and motivation to succeed. They may also check in on us intermittently for accountability, as well.

Use the Financial Resources Provided by the Military for Your Degree

Commonly known as the GI Bill, members of the military are entitled to compensation for college courses that go toward degree ascertainment.

If you do not use these benefits, they simply expire. Do not hesitate to invest in yourself and your future with these benefits. Find out how much you get every year and use the maximum amount possible. These benefits are only good for a certain amount of time after you ETS, so be smart and use them wisely.

Degreed Jobs After the Military

Once you get out of the military, you have a better chance of landing your perfect job with a college degree. A combination of military experience and having a degree under your belt heightens your chance of getting the perfect degreed job you have always dreamed of.