Effective Interview Preparation in 3 Stages

The success of a person in a job interview will depend on how well you prepare for it. Interview preparation is an extensive job and will require a great deal of preparation, and you should thoughtfully prepare for the interview questions.

In addition to pre-interview preparation, you should also prepare for some things to do during and after the interview.

In this article, let’s take a look at some of the critical steps that should be taken to prepare for a job interview, and this will tremendously improve the chances of you succeeding in the interview.

Pre-interview preparation

The following are some of the most essential tips that you should follow in your pre-interview preparation:

Reviewing the description of the job

Thoroughly reviewing the job description and having a clear understanding of the position that you are applying for and the qualifications of the candidate they are looking for is essential.

Examine the key phrases and keywords the employer has used to define the job. The better you align your qualifications and skills with the job descriptions, the better are your chances of impressing the interviewers.

Considering your eligibility for the job description

Consider your experiences and qualifications required for the job. Go through the job description and ask yourself why the employer should hire you.

Evaluating your qualification and how it suits your career path and what you are bringing to the table will help the interviewer under that you are the best candidate for the job.

Considering your eligibility for the job description

Learning more about the company where you are applying

Getting in-depth information throughout the website, employee reviews, social media pages, and other online resources will be great for the interview.

Figure out the work culture, management, mission, types of clients, and the different products or services with which the company deals.

Get some information about the latest revenue, business plans, and growth prospects of the company. Most of the companies will have an “about us” page and other related information on their website.

By doing this, you can also prepare your CV accordingly with their expectations. As a result, you will be in a much better position to answer questions about the firm, which also displays seriousness about the job.

Preparing a list of the expected interview questions

Frame some thoughtful answers to some of the common questions asked in an interview. By preparing impressive questions, it will help you highlight your interest and necessary skills for the job.

In addition to the question that is specific to the positions, your interview preparation should include answers for some common questions such as:

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why are you leaving your current job?

Practicing mock interviews

Feeling overwhelmed and anxious is a natural part of an interview. In this regard, mock interviews can significantly help you. They will help you stimulate a real-interview-like environment and significantly boost your confidence.

You could take the help of your friends or family to help you carry out a mock interview and also try recording the entire process to analyze your performance. If nobody is available, you could practice in front of the mirror.

Organize your documents

Even if you have applied using a digital CV, having a hard copy will surely help, just in case the interviewer asks you for a hard copy of the same. Put all the relevant documents in an arranged format.

Updating your social media profile

Most employers check out their potential employees on their social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter. If there is anything unpleasant, brace yourself for related questions.

What do during the interview

When you reach the venue, follow these tips:

Reaching the location early

Try to reach the venue at least a few minutes before the scheduled time. By doing this, you will get some time to relax. If the location is far off and if the journey was tiring, you could use the extra time to relax and freshen yourself.

Be polite

The way to carry yourself around the office tells more about you than anything else. Certain companies even check their CCTV footage to analyze the personality of the employees. 

Maintain a good posture while you are waiting for your turn. Be polite to the interviewers and also the security guard, receptionist, and other candidates.

Be mindful of your body language

Being confident and firm about yourself sends a strong message to your interviewer. Practice this habit from the time you enter the company office. Be mindful of your body language during your interaction with the HR executive and even the receptionist. Always greet people with a smile.

Asking thoughtful questions to the interviewer

Asking thoughtful questions to the interviewer

Almost all of the interviews will have a time when the interviewer allows you to clear your questions and queries. First, try to take mental notes based on the questions asked during the interview. Then, you can clarify all the doubts that you have at the end of the interview.

How to prepare for a job interview: After the interview

After attending the interview, you could do the following:

Analyzing your performance

After coming backing from your interview, take some time to analyze how you performed and evaluate where you could have performed better.

Ask yourself if you’ve forgotten to mention something and if you could’ve responded to any question differently. This will improve your interview skills.

Inform your references

If you have mentioned any reference in your job application or on your CV, you should inform them about the interview, so that they won’t be surprised by the call of the HR person. In addition, let them know about the skills you would want to be recommended.

Following up with HR

If HR doesn’t respond within the expected time, you can follow up with the HR department to ask about the result of the interview. You can communicate through email or the phone.

Mention your name, name of the interviewer, the date of the interview, and the position you applied for, so that the HR person can recall the interview. Follow these tips, and you are sure to ace the interview.